Critical RPC vulnerability in Windows

A critical vulnerability has been discovered in Windows operating systems. Find out in the article what consequences exploiting the vulnerability can have and what measures we strongly recommend you take.

CVE ID: CVE-2022-26809

CVSS Base Score: 9.8 / 10

A highly critical vulnerability with a severity score of 9.8 (out of a maximum of 10) has been discovered in Windows operating systems. Currently no exploit code is available, but this may change at any time.

The RPC vulnerability allows an attacker to compromise Windows operating systems over the Internet if their SMB (tcp/445) network port is accessible. This can lead to data manipulation or loss of control by the owner.

Our recommendation

It is to be expected that this vulnerability will be actively exploited by ransomware groups in the coming days, resulting in an increased threat. In order to close the known vulnerability, Microsoft has made an official patch available. We therefore strongly recommend updating all Windows operating systems (servers and clients) and ensuring that no SMB network ports are accessible via the Internet.

Bernhard Schildendorfer

April 14, 2022


Security vulnerability

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